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Photo Feature on Sanctuary Asia Feb 2014




Today editors, publishers and magazines have the choice of thousands of images & hundreds of photographers to choose from. But there is always something that clicks between an editor, the photographer and the photographs.


Glad to have contributed to the Photo Feature article called "Agumbe - Paradise on Earth : An Appreciation" published in the Sanctuary Asia February 2014 Edition.




A total of 9 images have been picked by the editors and featured. The real icing on the cake was the double side full print of the Indian Bull Frog. To have an image featured double side full print on one of India's leading wildlife magazine is for me an honour so far unparalleled. My association with Sanctuary Asia dates back to 2007 and still continues.



The PDF version of the article can be found here -

Also few months back made a short video on Agumbe - do have a look -

Thanks to Anu for putting up with my trips. Thanks to Gowri and Amogh for introducing me to this awesome place and Gowri for supporting me year after year for the last 4 years. Thank you all for viewing this rather long post.

Do follow my photography related posts and photographs on & my website is

If you wish to know more about Agumbe and trips there, drop me a note.


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